Secondary Faculty Weekly Memo
4 October 2024
Dear Parents and Learners
Happy Spring! The warmer weather has finally arrived and the prospects for the weekend look good.
As mentioned in Monday's blog, we have had a busy holiday period and are happy to share all our learners' achievements with you today.
We have our prestigious awards ceremonies to look forward to in the next two weeks and a highlight for many - the announcement of the 2025 Learner Leadership Body. We ask again that everyone is immaculately dressed and groomed for all these events.
We will be live-streaming some of the events for those who are unable to attend. The links will be shared on social media and in next week's blog.
The link for Thursday's Sports Awards:
Call for book donations
It has become tradition to award of Top Achievers in each grade a book prize. Parents who are willing to sponsor a book for Grade 12 (to be awarded at Honours and Leadership) or for Grade 7 - 11 (to be awarded in January at the Academic Awards) are invited to email Gillian Oppenshaw You can either donate a book or give us permission to bill your account for a book from Exclusive Books.
World Teachers' Day
Thank you!
We would like to acknowledge all our educators as we celebrate World Teachers’ Day which is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. It commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers
First assembly of the Spring Quarter
Please note uniform requirements for 2025
All Grade 7s and all new learners are required to wear the new blazer.
The check trousers are for exclusive use as part of the Hospitality uniform.
Device requirements for 2025
Please see the information below in order to plan for 2025.

Thank you to all the parents who connected with our educators during the parent-teacher meetings. Please feel free to reach out anytime during the academic quarter if you have any questions.
Academic Achievers
We were proud to acknowledge our Winter Quarter Academic Achievers at this week's opening assembly.
Grade 7
For achieving an 80% aggregate or above:
Travis Coleman, Yushan Kao, Minentle Madikane, Jimmy Kieu, Kayla Apalata, Chloe Zhao, Ethan Pieterse, Sophia Qian, Isla Lindley,
Bella Thomas, Nokukhanya Khumalo, Bohlale Mtimkulu, Henry Hansen, Natasha Jayakody, Isabella Ankiah, Jaime Sieberhagen, Taylor Watson, Caitlin Hunt
3rd position in Gr7: Sethu Kunana
For achieving a 90% aggregate or above:
2nd position in Gr7: Barry John van der Merwe
1st position in Gr7 and an aggregate of 90% : Emma Strumpher
Grade 8
For achieving an 80% aggregate or above:
Ruby Nieuwstadt, Priyanka Ramlakan, Lufuno Thovhogi, Isabela Manickum, Ryan Smal, Alisa Kotliar, Joel Ronaldson,Luca van Tonder,
Madison Viljoen, Heike du Toit, Daniel Maidment, Keagan Beaumont, Liam Govender, Jordan Terry, Matthew Francke, Viraya Pillay, Lily Howe, Taziane Botha, Luke Louw, Shyla Kurien, Holly Hickman, Zelda Deiner, Ferdi Zondagh, Christo Strydom, Ronia Minkoulou, Israa Adam,
Njabulo Maswana, Jesse Loxton, Aidan Chow, Caitlin Smith, Yaseen Salie, Wanganae Masindi, Keira Chirnside
For achieving a 90% aggregate or above in Gr8: Luan Odendaal, Phoenix Srdic, Luke Cloete
3rd position in Gr8: Carl Scheffler
2nd position in Gr8 is shared between: Veer Atwaru & Ethan Wust
1st position in Gr8 is shared between: Clara-Mari Vosloo & Milena Berowsky
Grade 9
For achieving an 80% aggregate or above
Lesa Pokwana, Alecea Vieira, Michelle Chifamba, Jason Bannon, Ramabele Sello, Leslie van Eck, Caterina Frazzitta, Shihan Huang,
Logan De Araujo, Tyler Archery, Alexa-Rose Schreuder, Primo Hong, Luke Le Grange, Sesona Mbovane, Kaylee-Jade Mestre, Joshua Kalapac, Steffan Hillebrand, Puneet Nagendrakumar, Aden van Rhyn
For achieving a 90% aggregate or above in Gr9: Madison Coleman, Jenna Simpson
3rd position in Gr9 is shared between: Ella Frielinghaus & Arabella Fox
2nd position in Gr9: Liat Demissew
1st position in Gr9: Gerhard Vosloo
Grade 10
For achieving a 75% aggregate or above in Gr10:
Connor Crighton, Nikhiel Moodley, Hannah Taylor, Fabianna Vermeulen, Kuhle Mapumulo, Jai Gounden, Nika Coetzee, Maxim McLaughlin, Emily Hoffman, Liam Hills
For achieving a 80% aggregate or above in Gr10:
Salizwa Mkwananzi, Dharshana Raja, Nicholas Rossouw, Dirk van der Merwe, Shakti Manga, Jennifer Zhou, Meera Moodley, Dominique Yuill
For achieving a 80% aggregate or above in Gr10:
3rd position in Gr10 is shared between: Kate Stopforth & Aisha Salie
2nd position in Gr10: Hannah van Zyl
1st position in Gr10: Naeha Naidu
Grade 11
For achieving a 75% aggregate or above in Gr11:
Talia Folb, Marco Balona, Uchy Obinwa, Carolina Grasso, Taylor Gerstle, Amy-Kate Wood, Andria Mannix, Maxine Benjamin, Amber Stein,
Anda Magwaca, Abulele Mhayi, Miya Singh, Dean de Jongh, Trent Mc Culloch
For achieving a 80% aggregate or above in Gr11:
Morgan Smith, Anna Gabrielli, Sabrina Davids, Kayden Biernacki, Yvan Tapon Njamo, Leo Adriaanzen, Morgan Santo, Miko du Toit,
Joshua Da Silva, Joshua Jackson-Smith, Jemma Boswell, Talia Papadakos, Declan Saul, Brandon Strydom, Mbali Nhuku, Travis Warren,
Julia Grasso, Tannah Ronaldson, Alexandra Bester, Julia Ligthelm, Keira McLeod, Angelique Minkoulou, Eve Bhasera, Sophia Frielinghaus,
Taya Pather, Kyle Warrender, Carl Gilmour, Nicole Apsey, Akshar Chandarman
3rd position in Gr11 is shared between: Liam Loxton & Reuben Rietoff
For achieving a 90% aggregate or above in Gr11:
2nd position in Gr11 : Chanel Ritz
1st position in Gr11: Amy White
Grade 12 National Senior Certificate
Matric 2024 - the final stretch
Monday, 7 October: Normal lessons
Monday, 7 October: Matric Meeting: Declaration Signing & Popia Signing & NSC Numbers and Timetables issued
Tuesday, 8 October: Normal lessons
Wednesday, 9 October: Normal Lessons
Thursday, 10 October Normal lessons with adjusted timetable - Sport Awards
Friday, 11 October: Normal lessons, Opening Art/Design Exhibition
Monday, 14 October: IEB FS Mathematics in Collab 3, Normal lessons for rest
Tuesday, 15 October: IEB FS English in Collab 3, Normal lessons for rest, STCL Awards & H&L Awards
Wednesday, 16 October: Locking the Legacy, Valedictory, Last day for Gr12, no lessons
Monday, 21 October: NSC Exams commence
Tuesday, 22 October: IEB FS Physics
Thursday, 28 November: NSC Exams conclude
Matric Mascot enjoying the sun...
Grade 7-11 November Examinations
This quarter marks the the final examination period, the last assessment cycle before promotions for grade 7-11 are finalised.
30 October: FET Block Day
31 October: FET Examination Starts
11 November: GET Block Day
12 November: GET Examination Starts
4 December: Last Day of the Academic Term
Examination Timetable
Please find the DRAFT examination timetable: DRAFT November Examination Timetable. The final timetable will be in the blog and shared with the learners next week.
Study Guidelines
Absenteeism during Exams and Assessments
A complete assessment portfolio (SBA - school based assessment), including all November examinations, is required for promotion into the next grade.
A learner can not be permitted to write the final exam should the SBA component be incomplete.
Should a learner be absent for the final examination without a valid reason, the learner will not be promoted to the next grade. A valid reason in this context includes the following:
a) illness , supported by a valid medical certificate, issued by a registered medical practitioner;
b) humanitarian reasons, which includes the death of an immediate family member, supported by a death certificate;
c) the learner appearing in a court hearing, which must be supported by written evidence; or
d) any other reason as may be accepted as valid by the Head of the assessment body.
Note that extended holiday breaks and travel does not constitute a valid reason.
Report Card and Promotion
Weightings for final mark calculation
Promotion Requirements
GET Phase (Gr7-9)
50% in English Home Language
40% in Afrikaans / isiXhosa First Additional Language
40% in Mathematics
30% in three other subjects
Any concerns or queries regarding promotion can be directed to Mrs Vosloo ( directly.
FET Phase (Gr11-12)
Bachelor Degree Pass (allowing candidate to apply for entry into degree studies):
4 subjects at 50% (excluding Life Orientation), English HL must be at 40% (not more than one subject below 30%)
Diploma Pass (allowing candidate to apply for entry into diploma studies):
4 subjects at 40% (excluding Life Orientation), English HL must be at 40% (not more than one subject below 30%)
Higher Certificate Pass:
4 subjects at 40% and 3 subjects at 30%
Timetables, Assessment Calendars and Tutorial Schedule
7P, 7A, 7R, 8P, 8A, 8R, 8K, 8L, 9P, 9A, 9R, 9K, 9L, 10, 11, 12
Week A: Monday, 7 October - Friday, 11 October
Week B: Monday, 14 October - Friday, 18 October
Week A: Monday, 21 October - Friday, 25 October
Week B: Monday, 28 October - Friday, 1 November
Week A: Monday, 4 November - Friday, 8 November
Assessment Calendars
Tutorial Schedule
Grade 7 learners measuring the athletics track and exploring circumference
From the English Department
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
This quarter’s book lineup is a rollercoaster ride – packed with mysteries, romances, and everything in between! With the cold weather upon us, there is no better excuse to curl up with a hot beverage and a good book.
Your bookworm-in-training should have devoured two personal picks by now, with another two to go, in order to submit enough book reports for the year. We're crossing our fingers these recommendations spark some curiosity to explore beyond your comfort zone.
Get cozy and dive in! Happy Reading!
Digital bookshelf LINK
Ed-Admin Multi-Portal Installation
We are pleased to inform you that the new Ed-admin Multi Portal App (Ed-admin MP) is now available on the Google and Apple App stores. The features include access to your child’s reports, calendar activities and daily attendance records to mention a few.
To install the App please follow the below instructions:
1.) Download the Ed-Admin Multi Portal App by using the relevant link below:
● Apple App Store:
● Google Play Store: US
2.) Enter 230034 (Parklands College Code) and your email address to log in. For your convenience, please refer to the image below:
3.) The next step will require you to enter the login code sent to you via email. For your convenience, please refer to the image below:
Please ensure that you keep this App updated otherwise you will be logged out and will have to repeat the above process to regain access.
Hyperion Bots
Who we are ...
Hyperion Bots was Parklands College’s FIRST Lego League & FIRST Tech Challenge Team from 2016 to 2020, but it fell apart once Covid hit. Since then our team has been pretty quiet, but we are back!
Our team currently consists of:
Yemira Mamdoo: Team Captain
Connor Niske: Team Co-Captain
Liya De Allende: Head of Marketing and Safety
Joshua Jackson-Smith: Head of Engineering
Position Needed: Head of Programming (Java)
Contact any of the people you see here, or email us at
Tristan Daries: Engineering
Shakti Manga: Programming
Mkhuseli Mngese: Programming
Elihle Hadebe: Marketing
What we've been doing ...
Together we have been working tirelessly over the past holiday to resurrect our legacy. During the holidays, instead of relaxing at home, we were at school setting up for this year's season. The first three days consisted of trying to build our arena, in which we met many challenges. The next two weeks we spent attending workshops and building our robot, which we named Dougie C (the C stands for Callum, in pre-emptive memory for our tech prefect Callum McKechnie). We have had to completely rebuild Dougie C from the ground up, and are still continuously learning.
We have also been contacting various businesses in regards to sponsorships, as we have to make money for parts and travel if we wish to go to finals in Texas next year. If you or your parents know anyone who is interested in sponsoring us, please contact us at
Joshua Jackson-Smith (Grade 11)
Life Sciences Outing
The grade 11s travelled to the Morphology Museum at Stellenbosch University at the end of last quarter. What a magnificent learner experience it was for them!
Grade 11 outing to World of Birds
The Afrikaans Department organised an outing to the World of Birds and Truth Coffee at the end of last quarter. This ties in with their prescribed book.
Op Donderdag, 12 September het die Afrikaans Departement die Graad 11-groep geneem na Truth Coffee in die middestad en World of Birds in Houtbaai. Hierdie twee plekke het betrekking op die roman, Die 17de Veer (Nanette van Rooyen), wat ons hierdie jaar behandel het. Ons vertrou dat die ervaring van die steam punk-tema van Truth Coffee en om voëls, veral uile en roofvoëls, van so naby te aanskou, het gehelp om die roman tot lewe te bring vir ons leerders.
Heritage and Harmonies Dinner
The Music Department, Hospitality Department and the Learner Equity Council collaborated to celebrate Heritage Day with a very special event.

Five Parklands College Teams to Represent South Africa in the World Robot Olympiad International Final in Türkiye
The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) is an annual global Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) robotics event that takes place in over 95 countries from around the globe. There are various participation categories, including Future Innovators (Senior, Junior, and Elementary), RoboMission (Senior, Junior, and Elementary), RoboSports, and Future Engineers. Each year the competition is based on a specific theme linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The official WRO® theme for this year’s competition is “Earth Allies” where teams must investigate how robots can help us live in harmony with nature.
The World Robot Olympiad National competition was held at Curro Aurora in a hot Randburg on 14 September. Eleven Parklands College teams qualified for the National event as a result of their outstanding performance at the Western Cape Regional competition held in August this year. The National event was highly competitive as the best robots in the country competed against each other for the highest scores in the quickest times.
Our Senior Preparatory team, High Tech Dragon Riders (HTDR), were crowned champions of the RoboMission Elementary category by scoring 132 points in 103 seconds in this year’s Sustainable Farming challenge.
Our Senior Preparatory Future Innovators team, EcoTrio, were crowned champions in their category for their robotic solution that restores coral reefs using a process called micro-fragmentation.
Our three RoboMission Junior category teams did exceptionally well with all three teams placing in the Top 4 in the country. TechnoMind placed fourth, Techtron won silver and TechnoBlade were crowned the South African champions with a full score of 146 in 76 seconds in the Green City challenge.
In the RoboSport Doubles Tennis category, our Secondary faculty team, Super Robot Builders, were crowned the South African RoboSport champions. We are extremely proud of this accomplishment, as it marks the first time we have won this title since we began competing in this category in 2017.
Parklands College secured four out of the seven category champion titles, marking our best performance at the National event to date. As a result of these accomplishments, High Tech Dragon Riders, TechnoBlade, Techtron, Eco Trio, and Super Robot Builders have qualified to represent South African at the International World Robot Olympiad competition in Izmir, Türkiye, from November 28-30. This means that five of the eleven teams representing South Africa are from Parklands College.
Please join me in congratulating the teams and their coaches, Justine de Wet, Austyn Delport, Phumlane Nkosi and Richard Knaggs for their contribution to the exceptional performances of all our teams and a special thank you to Snapplify who are one of our International sponsors.
We wish our teams the best of luck as they prepare for this incredible opportunity to represent South African in one of the biggest STEM based competitions in the world.
(L-R): Gareth Thomson (Resolute), Kishan Murugan, Hui Quan Sun, Julianne Sharp (Resolute), Angelo Sgroi (Evetech)
The Parklands College World Robot Olympiad (WRO) team, High Tech Dragon Riders (HTDR), won Gold in the RoboMission Elementary category at the WRO National competition held on 14 September in Randburg. Their farming robot proved to be the best in the category. They have been selected to be part of the South African team invited to compete at the International competition in November in Izmir, Türkiye. @Snapplify
(L-R): Gareth Thomson (Resolute), Luan Odendaal, Veer Atwaru, Matthew Francke, Julianne Sharp (Resolute), Angelo Sgroi (Evetech)
Team TechnoBlade from Parklands College won Gold in the RoboMission Junior Category at the World Robot Olympiad National Competition held on 14 September at Curro Aurora in Randburg. Their Green City robot performed incredibly well achieving a full score in 76 seconds. They have been selected to be part of the South African team invited to compete at the International competition in November in Izmir, Türkiye. @Snapplify
(L-R): Gareth Thomson (Resolute), Aidan Chowl, Priyanka Ramlakan, Ashley Machine, Julianne Sharp (Resolute), Angelo Sgroi (Evetech)
Team Techtron from Parklands College won Silver in the RoboMission Junior Category at the World Robot Olympiad National Competition held on 14 September at Curro Aurora in Randburg. Their Green City robot managed a full score in 90 seconds. They have been selected to be part of the South African team invited to compete at the International competition in November in Izmir, Türkiye. @Snapplify
(L-R): Gareth Thomson (Resolute), Yihan Dai, Yuhan Jiang, Maximilian Stork, Julianne Sharp (Resolute), Angelo Sgroi (Evetech)
Team EcoTrio from Parklands College won the Future Innovators Elementary Category at the World Robot Olympiad National Competition on 14 September. They developed a robotic solution that aids in the restoration of coral reefs through a technique known as micro-fragmentation. They have been selected to be part of the South African team invited to compete at the International competition in November in Izmir, Türkiye. @Snapplify
(L-R): Gareth Thomson (Resolute), Enoch Onyems, Hugo Bazin, Julianne Sharp (Resolute), Angelo Sgroi (Evetech)
The Super Robot Builders from Parklands College won the Robo Sport Doubles Tennis category at the WRO National competition held on 14 September in Randburg. In this category, pairs of robots compete against each other in tennis doubles matches. They have been selected to be part of the South African team invited to compete at the International competition in November in Izmir, Türkiye. @Snapplify
Cape Town Youth Ballet
Cape Town Youth Ballet hosted a concert during the holiday. We are most proud of our dancers who performed in Bloom. Thank you to Ms Amy Dean, an alumni from CTYB, who supported our dancers all the way.
Well done to Clara-Mari Vosloo, Alexa-Rose Schreuder and Ella Frielinghaus.
The Dance Department travelled to Bergvliet High School to support their fellow dancers ...
National Public Debating Speaking Competition
Congratulations to Teneale Moodley, Connor Crighton, Aisha Salie and Joshua Da Silva who took part in NIDPISC 2024 the National Public Speaking competition over the September Holidays. The contest had four highly competitive categories namely persuasive speech, impromptu speech, interpretive reading and debating. They did well and made the College proud. Their final rankings were:
Aisha Salie: 22
Joshua Da Silva: 28
Connor Crighton: 31
Our CounterStrike team travelled to ComicCon in Gauteng to play in the semi-finals against St John's.
After beating St John's we were excited to go up against Rondebosch High School in the finals. Although we beat them in 2022, we lost to them in 2023 and it was time for revenge ...
Brandon Strydom
We are incredibly proud of Brandon Strydom, a Grade 11 learner, for his outstanding achievement at the South African Championships of Performing Arts during the holidays.
Embarking on a week-long journey to Johannesburg, Brandon competed in various rounds and categories, showcasing immense dedication, hard work, and the courage to step outside his comfort zone. His efforts were rewarded with several accolades:
Bronze in the Broadway/Musical Theatre Vocal Category for his performance of "Diva's Lament"
Silver in the Open Vocal Category for his rendition of "Being Alive"
Silver in both Acting Contemporary and Open Categories for his performances of "Laughing Wild"* and *"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
In addition to these achievements, Brandon was awarded his Provincial Colours Badge.
Head of Sport:
Rugby and Girls Soccer Coordinator:
Chess, Boys Soccer & Cross Country Coordinator:
Netball and Hockey Coordinator:
Message from the Secondary Head of Sport
Tomorrow marks the kickoff of our Summer Sport programme for the final quarter with the Gary Kirsten T20 tournament, which we are proud to host for the 5th time. Our U19 boys will be competing against the Gary Kirsten Academy, Edgemead High, and Pinelands High with matches starting at 08:00. We encourage everyone to come out and support our team.
Practices and matches for all other teams will begin next week. Although this is a short yet busy sport season, we expect all learners to uphold their commitments and give their best.
Looking Ahead
Sport Awards
Next week is a significant one for our department as we host our annual Sport Awards Ceremony, taking place at 17:30 on Thursday evening. All learners receiving awards are required to attend, dressed in full winter uniform, as their attendance is compulsory. This prestigious event celebrates the commitment and dedication of our learners, marking the culmination of their hard work throughout the year.
Holiday Learner Achievements
Adam Muller
CPL Hockey
During the school holidays, Adam took part in the 6th Edition of the CPL Hockey Tournament showcasing the top 100 players per age group. He represented The Rebels Franchise. Out of 5 games only two goals were scored against him and Adam was subseqeuntly awarded the Top Goalie award at the end of the tournament. Well Done Adam.
Holiday Learner Achievements
Shihan Huang
Shihan competed in the CTA INVITATIONAL LC MEET at the University of Western Cape from 21-22 September 2024. She competed in 6 events and achieved Gold for the 50M freestyle; Silver for the 100M freestyle; Bronze for the 50M backstroke and 100M backstroke. Well done Shihan.
Summer Weekly Programme
Sport Uniform
During the holiday we received the results for SALA (South African Literacy Association) and the following learners have been invited to the National Public Speaking Finals on 26 October in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga.
Minentle Madikane, Grade 7
Caitlin Smith, Grade 8
Jorja Hoppé, Grade 8
Aden van Rhyn, Grade 9
Connor Crighton, Grade 10
Chanel Ritz, Grade 11
Imrah Salie, Grade 12
Imrah Salie
Chanél Ritz
Caitlin Smith
Minetle Madikane
Aden van Rhyn
Connor Crighton
Jorja Hoppé
Thomas Janisch was selected as one of only 30 learners nationwide to participate in the prestigious 'Woordfees Festival'. He showcased an extract from an original play, Interstellar. This is an incredible achievement, and we are proud to celebrate his talent and dedication!
Learners are reminded that should their Sport Timetable have changed, they need to please communicate this with their Music Educator this quarter.
Lessons continue throughout the exam session next quarter. Learners are requested to please ensure that they book their lessons as soon as possible. Lesson are booked on a first come, first serve basis.
Lessons & Ensemble rehearsals recommence from Monday 7 October.

Want to learn an instrument? Let's Go!!!!!
Should you be interested in starting an instrument. Please complete this form:
Hug a friend
Friends for ever
Last beach clean up of the year
With the donation from the Grade 9 Market Day we were able to donate much needed dog food to Fallen Angels. Thank you!
Seen helping at the Blouberg Marathon ...
With the donation from August Awareness Month we were able to support the people from the Morningstar Settlement.
Mrs Scott (C block):
Mrs Kistan (Resource Centre):
Psychometric Assessments
The learner support department offers psychometric assessments at the school for subject choice and career counselling. This process includes an initial interview with the learner, aptitude, personality and interest assessments, as well as a feedback session with an assessment report that is a useful guidance tool for informed decision making and clarity in one’s career or subject choice process. The assessments are done at school and during school time.
Please contact Samantha Scott for more information or to make a booking. There are limited assessment slots each quarter so please enquire early in 2025 to avoid disappointment. (Please note assessments are a billable service). The assessment slots for Quarter 4 are fully booked.
Rotary Youth Exchange
Short term exchanges immerse young people in another culture. Some live with host families for up to three months, while others embark on a tour or go to a camp for a few weeks. Go on an adventure in one of more than 100 countries.
Long Term exchanges build peace one young person at a time. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and live with host families for a full academic year. Become a global citizen. Start in one of more than 100 countries.
To find out more about our programmes please connect with us.
Peter Rogers Rotary District 9350
Cape Audio College
We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you and your Grade 11 and 12 learners, as well as any students with a passion for sound/music, to our upcoming Open Day.
Scheduled for the 5th of October, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm, our Open Day promises an exclusive opportunity to explore our state-of-the-art facilities and engage with our phenomenal lecturers.
Kindly RSVP using the link below to confirm attendance and secure a spot for the event:
23 November 2024 Open Day
Time: 10am-12pm/2pm-4pm
Address: Act Cape Town, First Floor, Sunrise House, 55 Morningside Street, Ndabeni, Pinelands
Ticket price: R50
Available to purchase through the following links:
American Universities Tour at Wynberg Boys
We cordially invite your Gr 10 - 12 students to Wynberg Boys' High School where we will host WLSA (World Leading Schools’ Association), who are bringing several Ivy League American universities to Cape Town to showcase their programmes to students. (See attached leaflet)
The event will take place on Wed 9 October at 16h00 at Wynberg Boys’ High School.
Please confirm your attendance by completing the following online form by Friday 4 October 2024:
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
This week's feature business is...
Parklands College has been designated an Apple Distinguished School (2016 - 2027)
Recognised for innovation, leadership, and educational excellence using technology
September 1, 2024 — Parklands College is pleased to announce it has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for its fourth consecutive programme term, 2024–2027. Schools apply and are selected for this distinction based on their commitment to continuous innovation in education and using Apple products to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning.
Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence, with a clear vision for how technology-rich environments support learning goals. In Apple Distinguished Schools, forward-thinking leaders and their communities work to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning, and they have documented results of academic accomplishments.
Schools all over the world are using iPad and Mac to transform learning. As teachers incorporate technology into their lessons, they empower students to lead, learn, and thrive, to discover new opportunities, and to make their world a better place.
Parklands College is a Pre-K to 12, Top 20, private, independent, co-educational school proudly representing the diverse culture in South Africa.
Our shared vision is to foster a sense of purpose and ignite a passion for life-long learning within our Parklands family. We encourage learners to effectively communicate ideas, work collaboratively, identify and solve challenges using creative and critical thinking, all while taking action to positively impact our global community. This is our “Growing Minds” philosophy - the heartbeat to our expression of education.
Leveraging innovative educational technology and a modern connected environment, our educators utilise new approaches to extend the learning experience. We encourage our learners to find and practice their purpose through authentic, experiential project and challenge-based learning.
“Reaching Outwards, Growing Minds, Building Futures”, our mission statement, concisely describes the core of our purpose, our “What”, “How” and “Why”.
Parklands College ADS Video -
Enjoy the weekend.
Kind regards
Sylvia Steyn
Please follow us on social media
Parklands College & CRPP on Facebook
Parklands College & CRPP on Twitter
Blogs from other faculties: