Secondary Faculty: 31 January 2025

From the Office

What a fabulous week we have had!  Our academic classes are in full swing; we have started with sports matches, cultural activities, and clubs & societies meetings and activities.  To top it all, we received great news at the 2024 Western Cape NSC Awards Ceremony yesterday ...

Parklands College - Top 20 School

Imrah Salie - Top WC Achievers List

Thank you and well done to the Class of 2024 and their educators for flying the Parklands flag high.

Communication & Information

Please use if you are unsure about who to contact.  Your mail will be directed to the correct person.

Please click on the tabs at the top of the Memo to access useful information:  Calendars, Academic info and Assessment Calendars, Uniform requirements and Operational Information (including Parent&Learner Directory, EDANA app instructions and KARRI app guidelines for use at Kauai)


Cashless Campus

We try to avoid handling cash on campus, so kindly request that you download the SnapScan App for your children to use.  It can be used at Kauai and we have a QR code for learners to scan when we sell tickets for events (e.g. the upcoming social), cake sales and charity collections.  Read more here:

Social at the Sandown Campus on 7 February 2025

The matrics are inviting our learners to a controlled social dance in Curie Quad next Friday.  For safety reasons, we don't allow any vehicles to enter the premises.  Learners need to be dropped in College Avenue and enter through the pedestrian gate where bags will be checked and to ensure that only authorised young people enter.  The gates will be open from 18:00 - 19:30 after which it will be locked until 22:30.

Parents will be allowed to drive in to collect learners after the dance, which will end at 23:00.

There will be supervision by educators throughout the evening.  Kauai will be open and the prefects will also be selling cooldrinks.  We advise you to load SnapScan on your child's phone to avoid any cash payments.

Learners may buy tickets from the prefects using SnapScan or with permission from you, to bill your account.  Learners wishing to bring a friend from another school will need to provide details to be recorded or they may not be allowed to enter.

We look forward to a fun-filled evening.


Maths Talk with Paul de Wet

We are delighted to announce that Paul de Wet will be addressing our parent community on Thursday, 6 February 2025.  The focus of his talk will be on managing stress caused by Mathematics—a topic that resonates with many families.  

Paul brings a wealth of experience and expertise:

This insightful session promises to provide valuable strategies and perspectives to support our learners as they navigate their mathematical journeys.  

We look forward to seeing you there!

Subject Changes - Date deadlines for changes

Please note the following important WCED dates for subject changes:

GRADE 12: Monday, 27 January was the final date for Grade 12 subject changes.  No additional subject registrations allowed.

GRADE 11: March 2025 is the final date for Grade 11 subject changes.  Request to do additional subjects must also be submitted before this date as there will be no opportunity to register extra subjects when the candidate is in Grade 12.

GRADE 10: June 2025 is the final date for Grade 10 subject changes.

In order to initiate a subject change, please submit the subject change request form to Mrs Vosloo.  Forms are available from Reception.

Tutorial Sessions

Our academic staff make themselves available for tutorial sessions at designated times.  This is a free service to all.  Please find the schedule below.  

2025 Summer Tutorial Schedule

External Tutoring Services

Please note that the school is not affiliated with any specific external tutoring services. If you receive advertising that includes the school's name or related photographs, kindly consult with our educators first.

Maths and Science Workshops

Our Grade 10 and 12 learners started the term with dedication, demonstrating their commitment to success through a Grade 10 Mathematics workshop and a Grade 12 Science workshop. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and are confident that their dedication will yield great results.

From the English Department - Digital Bookshelf

We understand that some people are just not 'readers,' but we certainly hope they're not that way because they're under the impression that 'books are boring.'  Seriously, stories are like treasure chests waiting to be opened! Sometimes you just need to go on a little adventure to find that one gem that'll have you hooked for life.

So, in an attempt to whet your appetites here are 10 incredible books for you and your family to venture into this quarter.

When you click on any book of your choosing the link will take you to purchase it for Kindle.

Happy Reading!

Q1 EHL Digital Book Shelf 2025

Maynardville Open-Air Theatre Outing - 4 February

Attention:  Grade 10 parents and FET Drama parents

Please complete and submit this indemnity form Link for the Maynardville Outing on Tuesday, 4 February 2025.

The Grade 10s, along with the FET Drama learners (only), will be going to watch Shakespeare's The Tempest at the popular Maynardville Open-Air Theatre, in Wynberg.

This is a really enriching experience and a beautiful setting to witness this performance under the stars. It's also essential to witness a Shakespearean play, to fully understand their setwork play for Grade 10 and, inevitably, Grade 12. Learners will not miss any class as this outing occurs in the evening. 

Learners must be dressed neatly in their College uniforms but are encouraged to bring along their Parklands blankets as it can get quite chilly sitting outside at night. 

Please see the indemnity form for all the details. 

Contact Mrs J Biermann if you have any questions. 

Hospitality Studies

Hospitality Studies is an exciting and dynamic subject that prepares learners for the fast-paced world of food service and hospitality. This year, we kicked off early with a waiter training refresher course for our Grade 12 learners, ensuring they are well-prepared for their upcoming restaurant evenings on 12-13 February. 

During these special events, they will showcase their skills by preparing and serving a delicious four-course meal in our state-of-the-art Connoisseur Kitchen. Adding to the experience, we take great pride in our beautiful vegetable and herb garden, which provides fresh, homegrown ingredients that feature in our menus. This hands-on approach not only enhances learning but also instills a deep appreciation for quality, sustainability, and the art of fine dining.

Thank you to Mr Taylor and our ground staff for looking after our stunning herb and vegetable garden ...

Learner Survey Feedback


Last year our Quality Assurance Team conducted an assessment of the College through a Learner Survey. The questions covered teaching and learning, the school environment and sporting and cultural activities. In summary, the feedback received an overwhelmingly positive response across all campuses, indicating that Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary offer an authentic and progressive learning environment in which the learners thrive.


The vast majority of learners indicated that they are happy at school and are treated well. We once again received positive results regarding communication and the school environment. What we found particularly pleasing was the high percentage of learners who indicated that they are proud of their school.

The areas where learners added comments are under review and, where possible, will be improved upon.  We value any feedback that assists us in providing Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary learners with an exceptional learning environment.


The Quality Assurance Team


Robotics in Action!

Our FTC teams recently held an exciting outreach session with the 1st Table View Scout Group, inspiring eager scouts with a passion for robotics and STEAM learning. It was an evening filled with innovation and enthusiasm!

Also a huge shoutout to our incredible robotics parents and learners who generously gave up their Saturday morning to help our new robotics teacher, Mr. Bridges, get the lab ready and organised for this year’s competitions. Thank you!

Class Rep Training

The newly elected Class Representatives attended a training session run by Mr Vardan, Mrs Weigeldt Harvey and the Learner Affairs Prefects yesterday

The Class Representatives were briefed on different leadership styles, conduct, public speaking, conflict management, class management and administration. 

We wish all the Class Representatives well for their leadership journey.


Caterina Frazzitta

During the holiday, Caterina attended and completed a 4 day 'Immersion into Medicine Program' offered to aspiring medical students by the Apprentice Corporation. 

Karena Li

Recently, Karena Li participated in a series of performances to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

On 21 Jan 2025, participated at the Consulate of P.R.China in Cape Town;

On 25 Jan 2025, participated at V& A Waterfront:

On 29 Jan 2025, participated at SABC3 Morning Expresso.

Karena loves Chinese culture and traditions and we commend her on representing her heritage this beautiful display.

Ziyu  Yan was also part of the performance on Espresso.  Well done!


Please note that the KARRI app will be fully operational from Monday.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

For your convenience, the Karri App can be used to place an order at Kauai.  Please see the poster below.

To opt out of receiving notifications, please click on the link and enter your information:

For information about what is on offer:  PC Menu & Prices_Jan 25.pdf


Inter-house War Cries

The College’s Inter-house Big Brag event is a spirited and vibrant tradition that brings together learners from different houses in a display of unity and competitive spirit. This year’s edition was hosted in the Curie Hall, with each house preparing and performing unique war cries, embodying their house's values, spirit, and determination. This event creates a sense of belonging and pride among students but also serves as a thrilling prelude to Inter-house competitions, igniting a friendly yet fierce rivalry.

The results from Big Brag were: 

1. Yale

2. Oxford/Cambridge

3. Harvard

Congratulations Yale!


Inter-house Swimming Gala

It was a classic hot summer’s day on Tuesday as the new house captains proudly showcased their war cries to the rest of the College before the competitive swimming events began.

Singing and shouting echoed throughout the pool area as learners enthusiastically cheered on their respective houses.

Each swimmer put in a tremendous effort, with the exciting traditional house captain race closing out the gala. The first Inter-house event for the year turned the College into a sea of unforgettable memories and we look forward to many other exciting events to follow.

Harvard emerged victorious for the swimming gala, as well as bringing home the spirit award. 

The results from the swimming gala were: 

1. Harvard

2. Oxford

3. Cambridge

4. Yale

Cambridge as "Rio"

Harvard as "Ninja Turtles"

Oxford as "Lego"

Yale as "Spiderman"

2025 House Prefects

Congratulations Harvard!

Harvard's star swimmer - Corbyn Beekmans


From our sports department

With the first week behind us, we are thrilled to see our learners settling into their sporting routines, with cricket, tennis, and water polo matches already underway. Our swimmers also competed in a combined swimming gala on Thursday.

On Friday, the Sports Prefects hosted our first Sports Assembly for the year, where we announced the captains of the respective junior and senior teams for athletics, cricket, softball, trail running, and tennis. We announced the 1st team captains and acknolwedged the players selected to attend the Chukka Festival in Knysna from 13 - 16 February. 

Congratulations to all who were selected as captain for their team and who are scheduled to attend sports captains’ training on Wednesday, 5 February, from 16h45 - 18h00 in the Innovation Centre.

On Friday, 7 February, approximately 30 athletes will be competing in the WP High School (Table Bay Zone) Athletics Champs at Green Point Stadium. Athletes across all the age groups will compete in sprint, middle-distance, relay, and long jump events. 

Catch all the action by subscribing to the Secondary sports calendar 


Sports Department

Learners should endeavour to attend every training session during the times shown on the timetable below. 

For general enquiries about specific sports, contact:

2025 Sports Prefects

Sports Managers (Educators) list

Sport                                                        Contact email



2nd XI

1st XI






2nd Girls and/or Boys

3rd Girls and/or Boys

u13 & u14 Girls

u16 Boys

u16 Girls

u19 Boys

u19 Girls

Senior or 1st Team Captains 

1st Cricket Team

Senior Athletics Team Captain

Trail Running Captain

1st Girls' Tennis

1st Boys' Tennis

1st Girls' Softball

1st Boys' Water polo

1st Girls' Water polo

Summer Sports Captains List


Athletics (Senior) Sophia Frielinghaus

Athletics (Junior) Joshua Bikindou

1st Team Cricket Kyle Warrender

2nd Team Cricket Keshan Kistan

U/15A Cricket Carl Scheffler

U/14A Cricket Jared Jacobs

U/13A Cricket Calvin Tarr

1st Team Softball Nicole Apsey

2nd Team Softball Liya De Allende

3rd Team Softball Asiyolise Moni

U15A Softball Marie-France Zemba

U15B Softball Viraya Pillay

U13A Softball Gabriella Frederick

1st Team Tennis (Boys) Reuben Rietoff

1st Team Tennis (Girls) Amber Stein

2nd Team Tennis (Boys) Jack Richards

2nd Team Tennis (Girls) YuYan Zhang

3rd Team Tennis (Boys) Aden Van Rhyn

3rd Team Tennis (Girls) Kaylee - Jade Mestre

4th Team Tennis (Boys) Aeron Gore

4th Team Tennis (Girls) Chelsea Igabri

U13A Mixed Team Saadil Rampath

U14 Boys Water polo Levi Le Grange

U14 Girls Water polo Lexi Torlutter

U16A Boys Water polo Joshua Kalapac

U16 Girls Water polo Madison Coleman & Amelia Huang

U19 Boys Water polo Nicholas Farquhar

U19 Girls Water polo Erin Langenhoven

Trail Running Allen Li 

Learner achievements 

On 19 January, Alistair Hill (Gr 10) competed at the Aqua Azzura Foundation WCA Open Water Champs held at the Elgin Sports Club in Grabouw. He competed in the 1.5 km 16 & over category, finishing 5th in a time of 24 minutes and 40 seconds.

This open water swimming event attracts over 200 swimmers who compete in 10km, 7.5km, 5km, 3km, 1.5km and 500m distance events.

Well done Alistair!

College Sports Results


Player of the match was Jared Jacobs.

Player of the match was Matthew Francke 


Player of the match was Saadhil Rampath and Kishan Murugan

Player of the match was Amber Stein

Player of the match was Aden van Rhyn

Player of the match was Georgiana Villiers

Water Polo

Parklands College Summer Sporting Programme 2025

Sport uniform

Please remember to subscribe to our Secondary sports calendar using this link:

Secondary sports calendar 


Creative Arts

Grade 9 Creative Arts Class, lesson 1 and already playing as if it were lesson 3. 😊

Gr 9.mp4

Signing up for Dance in 2025

Please complete the Google Form:  Secondary Dance Entry Form 2025

Music Department Update: A Fantastic Start to the Year!

The first week back has been absolutely wonderful, with lessons in full swing and learners diving into their musical journeys with enthusiasm! 🎶✨

We are thrilled to see so much energy and excitement as our musicians settle into their routines. Ensembles kick off next week, so now is the perfect time to get involved! Whether you’re a vocalist, an instrumentalist, or eager to explore new musical opportunities, there’s a space for you.

Keep an eye on our updates for upcoming workshops, performance opportunities, and special events throughout the term. Let’s make this a year filled with music, growth, and creativity!

🎵 Stay tuned, stay inspired, and keep making music! 🎵

We invite all new Music Parents to a Meeting in Grand Central on Monday 3 February at 18:00.

Thereafter ALL Music Parents, Learners, Family and Friends are welcome to our Music Connect on the Lawns from 18:30-20:00

Please bring along your picnic blanket, basket and enjoy the band!

Attention all those interested in joining the Euphonics Vocal Ensemble: Please be in touch with Ms Phillips via to set up an audition.

All existing Euphonics Ensemble Members please sign up to attend the Summer Bootcamp: . We are excited to announce that Ms Amy Campbell will be hosting a Masterclass as part of the Bootcamp! Definitely not to be missed.

Please click on the image or this website link: for our Secondary Campus Music Department Learner Website for Music Department News, Showcases & Exciting Opportunities.

Dean de Jongh Accompanying Craig Lucas.MP4

Well done to Dean de Jongh (Gr12) for a big musical debut, accompanying Craig Lucas at the M&M Academy Opening! Bravo!

Are you ready to try something new? 

The Parklands College Music Department offers expert tuition on a variety of instruments, taught by industry specialists. 

Whether you're looking to start your musical journey or try out a new instrument, we've got you covered!

Not sure which instrument suits you best? No problem! 

Email Mrs. Matsimela at to book a try-out session.

2025 Enrolment Form:

🎵 Note: If you're already part of the extra-mural music programme, no need to sign up again for 2025—you’re automatically enrolled!

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! 🎹🎸🥁

Should you be interested in learning to play an instrument,  please complete this form: 

Music Department Educator Contact Details


Mrs Scott (C block):

Mrs Kistan (Resource Centre):

Career Guidance Info

I am passionate about changing lives through education, and thus my efforts to inform as many learners as possible about career options and funding. The more information they have about career choices and funding opportunities, the better choices they can make about their futures.

I'd like to share the free information below with all learners from grades 9 - 12. All they need to do is click on the link, complete the details and it will be sent to them.

Link to free information:


This particular workshop focuses on how to motivate ASD learners who often appear to lack intrinsic motivation. It also has a list of things that  I have researched and trialed with my own family, and compiled over the years to help parents.  


Stellenbosch University Open Day - 15 March

On our annual SU Open Day, we welcome grade 11 and 12 learners, their parents, teachers and guidance counsellors to our Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses. Come view our exhibitions, attend demonstrations and information sessions, and engage with our faculty staff, all while experiencing our vibrant campuses and student communities and exploring the available housing options.

Time: 08:00 - 15:00
Place: Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses
Attendance: Open to all, free of charge, but remember to book your tickets for information sessions on Quicket​ (available from 15 Feb. 2025).

This is a chance not to be missed!

For more information, contact us:
WhatsApp “Hi" to 061 729 8858
Call us on 021 808 9111

Chef School Open Day

Event Details:

At the Open Day, Prospective Students will:

We believe this event will be an invaluable experience for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the culinary arts in 2026.

Study Abroad EXPO

You're invited to our free international Study Abroad Expo that is happening in Cape Town on 13 February 2025  at St Cyprian’s School from 13:30 to 19:00.


We are bringing out over 30 of our international university partners from the UK, EU, Canada, the USA and Australia who will be available to chat to any interested students and parents. This is also an opportunity for your students to meet our team of expert advisers who will be available for consultations on the day and can offer advice about studying in over 24 countries worldwide. We are happy to meet with students and parents at any stage of their journey from grade 8 to matric so everyone is welcome. 


I have attached the flyer for this free event to this email which also includes the QR code for registering. Alternatively, registration can be done via this link

EcoTraining, a leading provider of professional field guide and nature training in Africa, proudly reaffirms its commitment to International Environmental Education Day. In line with this year’s theme, EcoTraining serves as a champion for conservational, environmental and wildlife education.

Educating the public about environmental conservation brings about an understanding of humanity's role within the larger ecosystem. By learning sustainable practices, individuals and communities can reduce conflicts over natural resources. It also promotes international collaboration to address shared challenges such as deforestation, ocean pollution, illegal poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Such cooperation encourages peaceful relationships between entire nations and communities.

As the oldest guide training school in Southern Africa, EcoTraining has the largest, most bio-diverse footprint. Located in six pristine wildlife reserves in three African countries. EcoTraining is the only private training school ‌situated inside the Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s largest game reserves.

“We have many career and online courses available to international and local students. Learning about nature and environment conservation doesn’t even have to take place in the bush. Students can easily access our online courses, making education more accessible to anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the natural world,” said Lategan.

EcoTraining remains committed to sustainable education and empowerment, recognising that education is the cornerstone for peace and conservation. By integrating conservation and environment-focused education, EcoTraining believes the world can empower a generation of guardians of nature, united in creating a brighter and more peaceful for future all while protecting our planet.

For more information on the courses EcoTraining has available, please visit EcoTraining Courses & Experiences.


Mrs Alexis Matsimela & Mr Peter Bates: 


Celebrating Black History Month |  A Month of Reflection, Celebration, and Engagement

As we step into Black History Month, we recognise that while this observance originated elsewhere, its significance extends far beyond borders. In South Africa, a nation shaped by resilience, struggle, and triumph, we take this time to honour the contributions, heritage, and achievements of People of Colour who have left an indelible mark on history, culture, and progress.

Kicking Off With a Symbolic Event

📍 Monday at First Break | The Quad
To launch this month-long celebration, we encourage all learners—especially our newly elected Learner Equity Council (LEC) representatives—to participate in our Tree-Wrapping Event. This symbolic act serves as a visual commitment to unity, awareness, and the importance of ongoing dialogue.

What’s Coming Up?

🔥 Throughout February, we will be hosting a variety of events designed to educate, engage, and inspire:

📌 Couch Conversations – A quarterly panel discussion where learners can voice their perspectives on topics that matter. Have a conversation idea? Submit your thoughts via the Google Form (available permanently in the Equity & Diversity section of Learner Morning Announcements).

📌 Excursion to the Walk to Freedom Exhibit – Learners will have the opportunity to explore this powerful interactive exhibit at Canal Walk, deepening their understanding of South Africa’s journey to democracy. Stay tuned for updates via the Blog and Learner Announcements.

📌 Assembly Spotlights – Each week, the LEC will highlight influential Black figures who have shaped history in music, science, activism, sports, and more.

Your Voice Matters

Being part of the Learner Equity Council (LEC) is not limited to its elected members—we can all be agents of change. Creating an inclusive and thoughtful community is a shared responsibility, and each of us has a role to play.

This is more than just a celebration—it is a call to action. We encourage all learners to take part, share their ideas, and help shape these events. Whether you're an LEC member or simply passionate about making a difference, your voice matters.

We look forward to an impactful month of learning, sharing, and celebrating together. 

🔹 For any questions or to get involved, reach out to the Learner Equity Council.


Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business

LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert.  Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.

Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.

All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.

This week's feature business is...


Photo credit for the beautiful mood photo of one of the quads in the Innovation Centre:  Joshua Jackson-Smith